CCIC Europe-Testing S.L.

General information

Thank you for visiting and reading our disclaimer. CCIC Europe-Testing, S.L. is a service provider specializing in inspection, certification and testing activities, as well as responsible for the coordination of CCIC & CQC offices in Europe.


The following conditions apply to the content and use of CCIC Europe-Testing, S.L.’s website. The (further) use of this website implies acceptance of these conditions. CCIC Europe-Testing, S.L. also reserves the right to change and / or replace this website and these terms and conditions in whole or in part.

Information and liability

The information on CCIC Europe-Testing, S.L.’s website is general information and does not contain (individual) advice. The information on the website has been compiled with the utmost care. However, CCIC Europe-Testing, S.L. does not guarantee that this information is complete, accurate, updated and free of writing errors. Therefore, no rights can be derived from the information.

CCIC Europe-Testing, S.L. is not liable for damage or costs, of whatever nature, that arise directly and / or indirectly through the use of this website, such as damage caused by possible writing errors, inaccuracy, incompleteness, (temporary) inaccessibility or outdated information on the website, by viruses or the incorrect functioning of this website. The use of any information obtained through this website is at the risk of the user.

Personal data

All information that you enter on this website and other messages you send to CCIC Europe-Testing, S.L. will be treated confidentially. This information will not be provided to third parties, unless CCIC Europe-Testing, S.L. is obliged to do so on the basis of the law or a government order.

In general, you can visit our website without providing us with personal data. Similarly, to many other websites, we do collect certain non-identifying automatic data concerning the users of our websites.

We also process data concerning the date and time you visit our website(s) and page(s), the region from which you visit our website(s), the website(s) that directed you to our website(s), the pages and sections of the website(s) you visit (how long and how often and in what order), the information you consult and the information you upload or download from the website(s).

The collected data are used to align the content of the website as much as possible with the wishes and requirements of the visitors of our website(s). We may forward the non-identifying information to third parties and these data are stored for future use. We refer to the cookie statement on our website(s) for more information about the cookies we use.

Our websites may include references and/or hyperlinks to one or more third-party website. This privacy statement does not apply to those websites and we recommend that you review the privacy policy of these third-party websites, so that you will be aware of the manner in which they handle privacy.