In CCIC Europe Testing we help companies obtain the CCC certification necessary for importing your products into the Chinese market. We are specialized in automobile parts and we also perform certification tests in other products.
We are a ISO/IEC 17025:2017 certified laboratory by the CNCA (Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China). The CNCA has designated certification bodies and testing laboratories like ours to undertake the necessary tests for issuing a CCC certification. The local certification supervision departments are according to their respective duties to enforce market surveillance on the implementation of CCC certification system.
The Compulsory Product Certification System is a product certification system to evaluate products and certify they comply with the technical requirements regulated by the state (the standards and / or technical specifications). These requirements are related to personal safety and health of all customers, environmental protection or national security, and are to be implemented compulsively through the national legislation. The General Customs is the State’s organization that formulates the Product Catalog of the CPCS, and the appointed third party of certification body carries out the compulsory tests and inspections on the products listed in the Catalog and/or the certified factories. The products listed in the Catalog, which are not subject to the product certification by the third party of certification body and obtain the certificates and/ or are not applied the Certification Mark according to the regulations, are not permitted to import, sell and use at the working sites.